Writing about my learning experience with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, ReactJS, NextJS, Tailwind CSS, Git, Workflow, Funtional Programming, Firebase etc
Writing your first smart contract in Solidity and understating the anatomy of a Solidity contract · In Ethereum environment, the smart contracts are...
Lets deconstruct the Basics of Smart Contract · We all know the the blockchain is permission-less The basic idea of a designing a permission-less system...
What is Web3 and Why you should care about it ? · What is Web3 ? There is a lot of buzz around Web3 on Tech Twitter, I'll try to put Web3 in simple words...
Simple blockchain explanation · What is Blockchain ? Blockchain is decentralized database that keeps information in the form of blocks chained together...
A Deep dive in to Scope and Hoisting in JavaScript · What is Scope ? Scope is set of rules for looking up variables by their identifier name. Scope...
Setting up development environment in React JS without CRA create-react-app · While CRA (Create React App) ⚙️ is the most popular choice for setting up...